Sunday, July 8, 2012

My heart's desire

I can remember as if it were yesterday standing on the verge of making that life changing decision to follow Christ… there were so many unanswered questions that I had and I am ashamed to say, at the age of 23, one of my biggest questions and fears was what would all of my friends think??? I was paralyzed by that thought… How much more high school and juvenile could I get?  You would think that after becoming a mother, and taking on the responsibilities of the “adult life” worrying about what my friends would think would be a fear that I wouldn’t be so concerned about… but truthfully it wasn’t.  It was probably one of the biggest things that kept me away from living this amazing life that I live now…

I can remember being absolutely petrified by the thought that I would be walking alone in this new life that I was choosing.  I am by no means a loner kinda person, to be honest I think that my picture could be listed under the definition as an extrovert in the good ole webster dictionary, so for me the thought of doing this alone scared me to the point where my decision to follow this Jesus that I desperately needed was dependent on that fear.  However with time, my desperate need for something new, something better, and something bigger out weighed my fear of losing my friends and being alone and I reluctantly accepted the invitation to follow Him.  The decision that I made that night has been nothing less than the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. 

When I look back and remember that paralyzing fear that I felt when I was so close to making that life changing decision I can’t help but laugh, seriously I laugh out loud about the entire thing.  Since I made that decision I can honestly tell you that I am so far from alone it’s unreal.  I started attending Revolution Church not even 10 weeks ago and joined a life group and I gained more friends than I ever imagined having.  I cannot imagine my life without the support and the encouragement that these girls overwhelm me with.  And as if that wasn’t enough, in the last two weeks I have been reunited with two of my closest friends that I haven’t been connected with in quite sometime and now I get to walk along side of them in their new walk with Christ!!!!

Alone??? I think not my friend!!!

Shockingly, within just a few weeks of turning my life completely over to that amazing Savior, He totally and completed squashed the fear that kept me from him for so long.  He not only surrounded me with people that would walk with me in this new journey I was taking, but he also gave me back friends that I had lost touch with… What an amazing God He truly is!

The point of all this jibber jabber is; don’t let whatever crippling fear you may have keep you from making that decision to be changed and to be made new.  Whatever the fear or concern may be, this super awesome Jesus I am telling you about will not only take care of it for you, but he will make it better than you ever imagined possible.  I can remember hearing “God will give you the desires of your heart” pretty much from the time I was old enough to breathe and I’m happy to say I guess they were right after all!!!

“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires” – Psalm 37:4

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