Thursday, May 14, 2015

Graduation and Validation

Validate me!!! Validate me!!! Validate me!!  That’s what the snap chat read that I sent to my friend Brittany as I headed to Tonya’s graduation.

Last night as I started down the road I was filled with excitement for my long time best friend Tonya. After three long years of continued perseverance she had finally finished all the requirements to receive her degree, and there couldn't have been a prouder friend in this world. But the closer I got to the ceremony the harder it became to press down the feelings of insecurity that were rising in me. As proud as I was of Tonya, I was as equally disappointed in myself. As excited as I was to see her walk across that stage I was envious because that’s not something I have ever done. I immediately felt my excitement and joy turning into sadness and disappointment.  In the bible there is a verse that instructs us to take our thoughts captive and submit them to God, but I couldn't help but feel like my thoughts were coming faster than I could captivate.

I began to feel overwhelmed with thoughts of failure, inadequacy and disappointment. There are so many things in my life that I feel like I have left undone. The degree that I never received, the career that I never obtained and the success that I always imagined myself having flashed before my eyes.  I went from being filled with joy and excitement to filling unfulfilled and defeated in minutes.  I could begin to feel my chest tighten and I could almost feel my joy being stripped from me one defeating thought at a time. And before I knew it, tears were filling my disappointed eyes.

Why couldn't things have been different for me? Why couldn't I have listened to the people in my life that encouraged me to continue my education and make something more of myself? Why couldn't I have persevered the way Tonya had and finished my degree so that I too could have walked across a stage and shook hands with Doctors and Deans who would congratulate me on a job well done.  Thought after thought my identity took a beating. I have fought feelings of failure in this area for several years now and finally the camel’s back was broken.  

I was so defeated and disappointed with myself I needed to tell someone, anyone. I picked up my phone and chose Brittany. I began to beg for her validation. I needed her to tell me that she still thought I was wonderful and that even though I was so unaccomplished I was still loved and cherished.  Brittany never replied to the twenty-five ridiculous snap chats that I sent her, but that’s OK because God did.  He replied with “She doesn't need to validate you, Bethany, because I already have.”  My tear filled eyes poured out and in that very moment I began to let God tell me who I was in Him. He spoke to my soul and told me just the opposite of all the things that I was feeling. He told me I was beautiful, loved, worthy and I was HIS child and that there wasn't an accomplishment left undone that could change the love he had for me.

You see, education and success aren't bad things. They are wonderful things that should be celebrated and something to feel proud of. I pray for my son Landon often and boldly that he will one day experience these wonderful things, but now more than ever I will begin to pray that he would find his worth in who God says he is and not in anything else. Degrees, titles, and a successful career are all beneficial and valuable things, they just aren't and never should be things that define who we are. With or without a degree I am still a child of God that He finds valuable enough to send his only son to die for. My identity and worth isn't found in what I do or don’t do but instead it is found in what has been done for me.

Last night I didn't walk away from that amphitheater feeling defeated or worthless, instead I walked away feeling the exact opposite because I chose to walk in the truth of who God says I am. Because of Him I was able to experience such joy and happiness as I celebrated my beautiful and wonderful friend Tonya and her accomplishments.

1 Peter 2:9  

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

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