Friday, October 24, 2014

I do not have out door furniture!!!

Every Thursday I host life group at my house. A group of ladies get together and meet, have snacks and dive into God's word. It is my most favorite time of the week!! But this Thursday was going to be a little different! We have quite a few October birthdays in our group so we decided to just spend a Thursday night celebrating these sweet girls and creating community within our group by painting pumpkins outside and enjoying the fall weather! I was sooo excited and looking foward to doing something different with these women...Until an hour before our group was going to meet and it hit me... I have NO out door furniture. NONE. No table, no chairs, no where for twenty women to get their craft on with their baby pumpkins. I wanted to quit. I was seconds away from calling my friend Brittany and having her send out a mass text with a new meeting place because I was not equipped to host this. As women, I think we can all agree that feeling like this is one of our biggest struggles, at least it is mine. I feel like we are in constant battle with ourselves and our thoughts that we are not enough. Rather it be in our physical appearance, in our relationships or even in our calling. Sometimes I think women, myself included, get so caught up in all the things we lack that we forget and drown out all of the things that we do have. We say no to God and the things he's called us to do because we don't think we have what it takes to do the things he's asked of us. But here's the thing... When God has called us or ask us to do something, He doesn't need you to have all the things you think you need or things that you don't have. He just needs you to say YES. He just wants you to use the things and the talents that he has already blessed you with. How many times have you put something off or said no to something you knew God was calling you to do because you felt ill-equipped. I know I have on more than one occasion. Last night I didn't feel like I had what it took to be a host to these women. I thought I didn't have what I needed... I didn't have patio furniture. I had nothing to facilitate twenty women to paint pumpkins outside and enjoy the fall weather. BUT guess what!? We STILL painted pumpkins, we STILL had a night of community among women who love Jesus and desire to know him more. New friendships were STILL made and old friendships were STILL strengthened. Women STILL heard Brittany share from her heart about the unfailing and redeeming God has for each of us. It all STILL happened! None of things I didn't have mattered. All I had to offer was a kitchen table and a willingness (after a small panic attack haha) to use the things that I did have to follow through with something God has called me to do. And that was all that I needed and was all God wanted me to have. Who would have thought that God would have used something so small and simple like not having out door furniture to teach me something so Big. I want to encourage you to not let the feeling of being ill-equipped to stop you from following your dreams and moving forward with the things you know God has called and created you to do!! Don't let the feeling of not being enough drown out the great things God has in store for you!!! “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Eph. 2:10