Sunday, December 2, 2012

Crippling Expectations

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the man or woman you love seems to continually disappoint you or fall short?  If you are anything like me, you may be able to deal with it for a time and a season, but eventually you reach a point when enough is enough and we throw in our flag and give up. I remember a time in my life where I thought I had no choice but to give up on my relationship with my fiancĂ©, Chris.  Don’t get me wrong, Chris is a great provider, wonderful dad to our son, and I have never questioned his commitment to me; however I just didn't feel loved. I didn't THINK my expectations were unrealistic, I didn't expect a dozen roses when I walked in from work every day, I just wanted to feel loved, the little things like holding my hand, compliments and such ( I know the ladies know what I’m talking about). Well right about the time I decided I just couldn’t handle anymore disappointment I came to the realization that the things I had experienced in my life had not only set me up to need an overdose of love and affection but also had made me totally insecure and afraid about any situation I found myself in. I needed to constantly feel loved, safe, and secure and Chris was who I looked to for that.  As I started to consider my past and how it had affected me, I also began to consider Chris's past and how it might have affected him.  Chris had never been in a situation where he was completely depended upon, and I’m not exactly what you would call an “independent woman”, especially when it comes to my emotional needs, so it hadn't exactly been easy breezy for him either. We talked about it all and I shared my feelings with him. When the line of communication was open and clear, Chris and I began to work on things.  We both understood each other’s needs and made a commitment to do our best to fix what was wrong. We both agreed that our love for one another was far too real to call it quits.  Chris began to do the small things more often than before, like holding my hand and telling me I was beautiful.  I also started to work on my feelings of insecurity and fear that he would leave me just as my parents had.  For a while, things began to look up, but it didn’t last long.  Chris gave his best effort to make me feel loved and reassure me that my insecurities were false, but it just wasn't enough. I can’t even begin to tell you how devastated I felt when I thought the relationship with the man I planned to marry and the father of my son had come to an end…and then something happened.  Now you can call me crazy, but I don’t think it’s any coincidence that this all took place at the same time I could see God relentlessly pursuing my heart and I made the decision to give my life back to Him.  I just couldn’t understand why I had gained a relationship with God, but I was losing the one with the man I loved.  I prayed and prayed and asked God to change him, and that’s when God revealed to me that Chris wasn’t the problem, it was ME.  You see, Chris was definitely the most important person in my life, and my happiness was strongly dependent on him and how I thought he felt about me.  The expectation I had for him wasn't for him to simply hold my hand and compliment me, I had been expecting him to be my EVERYTHING... my love, my best friend, my protector, my provider, and so much more.  The expectations that I had placed on him were BEYOND unrealistic.  It doesn’t matter how incredible and wonderful Chris actually is, it is totally impossible for a MAN to do a job that GOD only intended for Himself.  When I allowed God to be my EVERYTHING my love, my best friend, my protection, and my provider; the expectation I had put on Chris quickly began to fade along with the constant disappointment. Once I finally quit expecting Chris to do something for me that only God can do, our love exploded and is stronger now than ever before.  We live in a world where everything changes; Jobs change, body images change, your financial situation can change, everything can change.  I don’t know about you, but I’ll take my chances on letting the only thing from the beginning of time that hasn’t changed to be my EVERYTHING, rather than something or someone that can change overnight and can be gone within a blink of an eye!  God, I can never thank you enough for saving my life and my relationship.  Thank you for blessing me with such an incredible man that I am now madly in love with all because You allowed me to free him of all the unrealistic expectations I had put on him!    

John 14:27 “I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”